Belcomfort Heating & Air Conditioning - heating and air conditioning sale, installation, maintenance and emergency services
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BELCOMFORT -  Heating & Air Conditioning


Packaged Heat Pumps

One unit for both heating and cooling, a heat pump can boost
efficiency and reduce operating costs while maintaining
comfortable interior temperatures all year. Ask BELCOMFORT
whether one of these units is right for you.

Packaged Air Cooling Units

Ideal for retrofits on existing buildings... if you’re converting an
old factory into lofts or apartments, offices or institution, talk to us.
Ask about our units that not only save money at construction, but
also continue to provide great value with better efficiencies all year.

Split Systems

A split system separates the condensing unit from the air
handling equipment. The advantages include easier installation,
quieter interior, versatility and greater security when
compared to an all-in-one window unit.

Thermostat Controls

These are vital to the efficient operation of your heating and
cooling system, and the comfort of the different areas of the
building interior. Let us show you how they can make your
rooftop or split system HVAC unit more efficient.